Winter By Name
Nice to meet you! This is WNTR TECH, sending you greetings from Latvia – a small country up in the North of Europe that we call home and where we develop software and provide a full range of IT solutions to our clients worldwide.
WNTR TECH was founded back in 1995 (and is still to this day owned) by Māris Ziema and his wife Inga Ziema. Their surname in Latvian stands for “Winter”, and winter being our favorite of the 4 seasons, the company name, WNTR TECH, was a choice crystal clear.
Nordic By Nature
Our Northern background and mindset dictate our ascetic and minimal approach to life, work, and collaboration with our clients making us a partner that is attentive yet swift, decisive yet flexible.
As a family-owned business, WNTR TECH maintains high standards and responsibility for each project to which we devote ourselves with passion and dedication.
Crisp in Solutions
With 25+ years of experience in integration of third-party databases and arrays, it is our passion and main expertise.
Additionally, we enjoy catering to various custom needs, like developing data exchange systems, user applications, and e-services, as well helping our clients create new data platforms and seamlessly convert to new ones.
Simply put, WNTR TECH’s mission and motivation are finding simple and efficient IT solutions.
Solid As Ice in Our Values
At WNTR TECH, we are:
The leadership of our company hasn’t changed since day one. Each project is a crucial part of our business, making everyone interested in delivering the best result.
In addition to finding the fastest route from A to Z, we always measure twice – and only then we cut, making sure to optimize for both speed and efficiency.
We tackle projects with an open mind and the idea of customization. Situations and businesses are different, and therefore our approach is individual and customized.
Although we are seasoned IT experts, “arrogance” is not a word in our vocabulary.. Instead, we always deliver top notch client service with a professional attitude.
Driven By Professionals
We are proud to have a team of highly skilled and experienced IT professionals who are passionate about delivering exceptional service to our clients. Meet the team.

Jānis Vempers
Business Manager - Municipalities Solutions

Edgars Vasiļevskis
Business Manager - Health Solutions

Oskars Pakers
Chief Technology Officer

Edžus Žeiris
Chief Executive Officer

Gatis Beikerts
Infrastructure Lead, Electronic Signatures Expert

Iveta Kažemaka
Human Resources Manager

Virdžīnija Andersone
Business Analyst - Real Estate Solutions

Dainis Dosbergs
Sales Manager

Igors Ņikonovs
Business Manager, Software as a Service (SaaS) Products

Dainis Inkins
Business Analyst - Integrations

Elīna Tuzova
Strategic Project Manager

Evita Atvare
Project Manager - Event Management Solutions

Ieva Lauberte
DevOps Engineer

Ivars Akmentiņš
Software Engineer - Authentication

Juris Tihomirovs
Solutions Architect - FHIR Standard Expert

Karīna Ribuša-Viļuma
Lead Project Manager

Laila Bergmane
Quality Assurance Lead

Lauris Bukšis-Haberkorns
Cybersecurity Lead, Ethical Hacker

Sergejs Skusovs
User Experience Lead Expert

Tatjana Nemiro
Quality Assurance, Load Testing Specialist

Viktors Salijs
Software Engineer, AI, Database Engineer

Eduards Žeiris
Export Product Manager
Valued by Clients
Certified By Industry Leaders